Weight Loss For the Office Worker

Are you gaining a few pounds on the job and it seems that the inactivity is the cause? Do not let the fact that you are in an office and are stuck behind a desk hinder your weight loss plans. It is easy to blame your work for your weight gain but office workers can lose weight at work with a little planning and commitment. Here are a few tips that should help you lose weight while at the office.

*Plan your day for lunch and snacks while you are at the office. The easiest approach is to take your lunch and pack healthy snacks that you can munch on if you get hungry. Be sure to include a healthy lunch that includes the things necessary to keep you on the weight loss trail. Your snacks should also be healthy with items like yogurt and fruit.

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You should avoid most microwave meals because even though many are labeled as being low in calories; they are usually very high in sodium and sodium is one of the things that is not weight loss friendly. Be sure to read your labels and know what is good for your weight loss.

*Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Water is essential for good health and it is a good weight loss ingredient. It will keep the edge off your appetite and make you feel not as hungry as you might actually be. You should try to drink a glass of water each hour throughout the day.

You need to drink about eight ounces of water before you break for lunch. Again, this will help remove the hunger pains you might otherwise feel.

*Take a mini break every hour and have a short exercise session. It is the little things that add up and have an impact over a period of time. By exercise period; I mean take a few moments and stretch or move your arms to get the circulation going. This will also help to keep you alert and function efficiently.

When taking a potty break you can do a couple of knee bends or other stretching movements. The nice thing about this is you should have some privacy so get creative.

*During your lunch break walk around and get your circulation going. You do not have to go on a major trek but just a short walk will do wonders for your digestive system and the benefits do add up so just do it.

*Park you car where you can incorporate walking to and from the office into your exercise program. By parking farther away from your office you may eliminate scratches on your car.

*Avoid coworkers that might undermine your weight loss attempts. They may mean well; but there are a lot of people that will not want you to succeed. Do not let them interfere with your weight loss program!

Effective weight loss is not a short term process and you should not think that you can lose your extra baggage overnight. If you do; you are setting yourself up for failure. Relax and remember it is the little things that you do each day that will help you to have a successful weight loss program.

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