Weight Loss For Men Over 40 - Two Incredible Secrets of Weight Loss

So you want to lose weight and you're over 40?

Believe me, I know the challenges you're facing. It wasn't until I was well into my 40's and I had a medical scare that I decided to get serious about weight loss.

Well, I have news you're definitely going to love...

I succeeded at weight loss over 40 and so can you. I'll teach you.

Listen to this - Our body has started working against us. Sad right? You see at 35 our metabolism slows and around our age it gets worse... 76% of men our age are overweight or obese.

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Come on! 76% of us! That's unacceptable...and we both know that. That's why we're doing something about it...

I can hear you now: 'Alright,' you say 'I'm ready to do something about it. What are these 2 incredible secrets to weight loss over 40?'

Because you deserve to lose weight and accomplish your goals, I'll share them with you:

But before I do just remember this: there's no magical way that this is going to happen. I'm not going to preach to you about some expensive but useless supplement or diet pill that doesn't work.

You see, the secrets to weight loss over 40 are 1. eating right and 2. exercising. Sound like what you've been hearing all along? Good. That means you should know the importance of doing these things...

But the trick AND HERE'S THE REAL SECRET is that you have to adjust these for your age. Eating right and exercising at our age is much different than for a 20 year old. Our bodies are at a much different point.

1. Eating right. First you need to break up your 3 daily meals into 6 smaller ones. This jump starts your metabolism. Second you need to adjust for the generally lower energy needs of your body by not eating as much.

To actually lose weight you need to burn more than you take in. So eating less will help.

2. Exercising. First you need to do cardio-as in jogging/walking. START EASY. This will help you to burn fat and lose weight better than just drastically cutting calorie intake alone because that puts your body in starvation mode.

Second you need to do weight training. This is really important because building muscle burns more calories just by nature. Here though you need to adjust for age and allow your body more time to recover.

The good news here is that losing weight at our age doesn't require expensive supplements or pills (which by the way can be very dangerous because they're not regulated). Instead you jus have to adapt tried and true principles to your age...


WARNING: Put these steps into action and I promise you that you can actually start to lose weight!

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